China Wind Readers’ Comments



May 10th, 2009

China Wind – a great book!

I enjoyed China Wind and looked forward to reading it each day. I have never visited Hong Kong but I certainly found the background and culture interesting.

          The story contained tension and mystery along with intriguing characters and a great conclusion and (it) deserves many readers.

          So – Congratulations!

(Maureen W, Brisbane, Australia)


April 23, 2009

China Wind … well worth a read

China Wind is a novel reminiscent of Clavell’s writing, and, to me, that is a compliment. I have read several of Anne’s published novels, and have seen the development of a competent wordsmith at work. As with her songs, Anne doesn’t let the work see the light of day until she is satisfied with it (or so it seems to me).

            I note one reviewer (Linda Schoales, has expressed concern that not much has happened early in the novel. I found the same, but setting the locations and developing characters and character relationships can take time, and I thought this was approached in entertaining detail.  Once past the earlier sections, the action starts. As in her hard copy novels, Anne has again managed to pose the usual mystery story how/why/what/where issues in her usual intriguing fashion.

I would urge readers to read well into the novel (perhaps wait until the end) before forming opinions. Not all mystery books are littered with corpses in the first ten pages . . . or, indeed, the first ten chapters.

(Ian Clarke, Brisbane, Australia)


April 23, 2009

China Wind - don’t miss this!

China Wind is a dramatic mystery where the investigators must unravel the intrigue and rumour surrounding gun-running, corporate crime, disappearances and, of course, murder.

          The author paints a remarkable picture of pre-handover Hong Kong - from the criminal underbelly right down to the gossip-network of household staff.

The accurate and detailed descriptions bring locations to life, such as the ‘the army of elderly women employed to clean the city’s public rubbish bins’ in Hong Kong that the policemen tap as sources.

It keeps you guessing to the end. Who are the real villains?

Each chapter is self-contained and beautifully illustrated with a picture alongside the title so it’s very easy to pick up wherever I left off.

I’d highly recommend it.

            (Angela Poole, London, UK)
April 21, 2009

I feel that the editorial review of China Wind by Linda Schoales ( is unfair; it would appear that this review was written after reading only ten chapters, surely a lot more reading is needed to give a fair comment.

            Her example of extraneous description is actually of one particular character Wanda, who requires to be fully described as she disappears early on in the story but still features greatly in the plot, and as Linda Schoales herself states Wanda is a memorable character.

            As in a good Agatha Christie mystery there are many subplots and characters to keep the reader intrigued and captivated until the end when all will be revealed.

            The book is currently up to chapter 47 and I am thoroughly enjoying it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

(June G, Brisbane, Australia)


15th April, 2009

China Wind - highly recommended

Reading Anne Infante’s China Wind is like opening a well-wrapped gift – most relevant considering its Christmas setting.  As you open each layer, Anne gently builds her characters and context, leading to the discovery of the mystery at its heart.  There is also a hint of romance for Carol Monk which is like the sparkly bow on top – but who will be the successful suitor?

          Anne unfolds the map of pre-handover Hong Kong with vivid descriptions of the city and its surrounding territories and sets the plot in a realistic political, business and social milieu.  The easy pace allows the reader to develop their own theories about what’s happened to Wanda, where is Pat, is Guy really a bad guy and just what is going on at Langford Price?  She deftly handles her large cast, ruthlessly bumping them off where necessary and adding intrigue upon intrigue as the plot advances.

          I’m enjoying my daily dose of China Wind – although I do get a bit frustrated by not being able to read further each day to the end. 

          (Julie Dendle, Brisbane, Australia)


13th April, 2009

I am reading and enjoying "China Wind". The thing is, one can read it at their own pace. I read the story once a week so that I have more than one episode.  I like the fact that although it is a murder mystery, it is not graphic as to every detail of how the murder was done. I enjoy reading a book that I do not have to skip a third of the book because of the sex scenes in "moaning" detail.  Other than doing research on the computer and reading specific parts of books, I have not read a novel online and find the fact that I have to be at the computer and sitting up a bit strange.  I have not been to Hong Kong and so do find the descriptions helpful and the plot goes from place to place in the city and the pictures are great. I do use the list of characters as at times I have to refresh my mind from week to week.  I also usually do a short review of the last chapter I read from the previous week before I start the present week’s reading.  

          The descriptions let me get a picture of the street, person, city. Some of us need to actually see the subject in our mind as the story flows through our brain. That’s why when I read a book and then see the movie, I am disappointed as the directors do not interpret the book in the same way I do and thus the thrust of the story gets waylaid at times. 

          (Dora Wode, USA)



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